Our Staff
Team Members
LCLS Biological Sciences Department Head

Tender X-ray Instrument Lead

Research Assoc-Experimental

LCLS Sample Prep Labs Manager

Sample Delivery R&D

Associate Scientist

Project Scientist, Lab Manager

Research Assoc-Experimental

Instrument Scientist

Sample Delivery, Operations Support, R&D, Microengineering

Web Design Intern

IT Support

Injector Characterization Laboratory Manager

Lab Assistant, Sample Delivery Specialist

ChemRIXS Sample Delivery Lead, Experiment Setup & Design

Computational Structural Biologist, MFX Instrument Team, Data Processing and Analysis

Research Assoc-Experimental

Inorganic and Bioinorganic Spectroscopy, Biomedical Photochemistry, Semi-Artificial Enzymes

Design and Development of Sample Delivery Components, Automation, Microfluidics, Microfabrication

Experimental System Lead, IT, Networking, Infrastructure Management, Customer Satisfaction

Lead Scientist, Head of the Bio and Condensed Phase Chemistry Group

Research Associate, Bio and Condensed Phase Chemistry Group

Experimental Research Associate

Research Associate, Reaction Kinetics, Fluid Mixing

XCS/XPP Instrument Scientist

Data Management, Data Analysis Software, Real-Time Data Analysis