If you are interested in working with the NIH P41 resource for Structural Dynamics in Biology (SDB), multiple options exist for using the capabilities and developments at the center.
Become an LCLS User (via successful submission of a proposal)
The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) user guide provides all the details on how to become a user of the LCLS facility for beam time, which has access to the capabilities of the SDB resource. It is strongly recommended to discuss your scientific ideas and research proposals with the LCLS staff and the SDB staff before writing a proposal.
Driving Biomedical Projects (DBP) are essential to the resource by providing scientific testbeds of its technologies and methods.
If you are interested in discussing a project as a potential DBP for the resource, contact the SDB resource lead, Sebastien Boutet (sboutet@slac.stanford.edu).
Become a collaborator of the SDB resource
Collaborators provide further diversity in scientific testbeds for the technologies and methods developed by the resource.
If you are interested in discussing a potential collaboration with the SDB resource, contact the SDB resource lead, Sebastien Boutet (sboutet@slac.stanford.edu).
Center Acknowledgement
All published work supported by the Center for Structural Dynamics in Biology is required to include the NIH acknowledgment. This includes beamtime at SSRL and LCLS that utilize the capabilities of the SDB resource, beamtime for Driving Biomedical Projects and collaborating projects, and collaboration with staff from the resource.
The following acknowledgment should be used:
“This work was supported by NIH grant P41GM139687.”