Sample Delivery

Several techniques are available to successfully deliver your crystalline sample into the X-ray interaction point in a serial fashion.

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Gas Dynamic Virtual Nozzles (GDVN), injectors producing steady liquid microjet, are the standard device for Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) experiments.

Image of the GDVN schematic

Rayleigh jets are the simplest form of liquid jets. 

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High Viscosity Extruders (HVE) are hydraulic micro-jetting devices designed to stream viscous, toothpaste-like materials.

High Viscosity Injector

Clouds created from a plum of droplets containing a sample can be focused into a stream of particles with an aerodynamic lens stack.

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A common way to deliver a sample to an instrument is to hold the sample to the interaction area or have a fixed target.

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